Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Lusitania and Australia Letters

1760 24 Avenue
East Oakland Cal
March 8 - 1915

My Dear Sister
I received your kind letter of feb 8. and I was glad to hear from you again now as regards your money I would have sent it to you long ago but we heard so much here about the submarines and the Zeppelines and the raiding of the English Coast by the German Cruisers that I thought something terrible catastrophe was likely to happen at any moment and that is the reason I did not send it to you in January - I was told by the bank here that they considered there was quite a risk in sending money to Europe at the present time and that if anything should happen to ships crossing the Atlantic it might be many months before the money would reach its destination if ever ---so I thought it best to hold it a little longer -- as soon as things quiet down a little - I will forward it on to you as I still have it in the same safe place -- now you know we get such contradictory accounts out here about this horriblw war that we cant tell very well how it is going but as far as I can judge it looks to me as though the Germans would soon have to give in but whether they have done there worst or not is a question - they may have some diabolical business yet to do. I wrote you I think about the beginning of February to tell you that I thought it best to not send the money at that time --- when I send it I think I will send a letter a few days ahead to tell you to expect another letter in a few days --- I was sorry to hear fo your illness -- hope you are better and allright --again nown-- I am well with the exception of nervous spells - which I have quite often I suppose there is a great deal of suffering in England on account of the war - though the news we get here says that everybod body is busy and work is plentiful on becasue of the war.
Now I must say goodbye till next time I hope you are better and hope your son in law has quite recovered by this time -- with kind love to you and the girls I am your aff
Brother John ----------------- best wishes

April 22nd 1915

Dear Sister
I sent you a Draft on bank of British North America - for £2000-0-0 which I hope you received safe --- the draft was issued on April 22nd - my birthday and mailed April 23rd - (registered letter) I arranged the time to reach Steamer Lusitania which left New York May 1st as I thought that would be the safest way. I trust it will reach you safe -- but if anything should go wrong I have a duplicate Draft as a precaution. I know you will notify me immediately if you get it safe - in the meantime I am anxiously watching the papers for the safe arrival of the Lusitania at Liverpool.

Your Aff. Brother J H Styles

1760 24th Avenue
East Oakland
May 6-1915

My Dear Sister
I received your kind letter of April 9th and should have answered sooner only that my eyes are still troubling me -- I was very glad to hear that Brother Jim had arrived safe and well. and can well imagine your great surprise at seeing him -- glad he got through all safe in spite of the submarine pirats I feel very sorry that I could not have arranged matters so that I cvould have been with you at the same time - butcircumstances occurred that prevented me leaving at this particular time

I know you will enjoy his visit and you will all be very happy with him and regret very mich that I cannot be with you just yet. Jim wrote me on the 11th of April announcing his safe arrival also giving me a description of the pleasant trip he had both on train and ship - and I will write him in a day or two I dont know that I can say much more this time so I send you, and all of you my best wishes and kindest love and wish you all a good and enjoyable time during Jims visit

Love to all
Your Aff. Brother John

1760- 24 Avenue
East Oakland Cal
May 8 /1915

My Dear Sister I wrote you on the 6th to tell you I had sent you a draft for £2000-0-0 dated April 22nd - and shortly after I mailed the letter the awful news of the terrible disasterto the Lusitania reached us here. I am very much worried for fear that the letter was in the mail for the Lusitania -- I went to the Bank of B.N.A. yesterday, had a talk with the manager he seemed to think the letter had reached New York in time for an earlier steamer but anssured me that the money was safe and the duplicate draft would be paid if the original was lost ----- perhaps it would be as well if you could see the Officials at the General post Office and see if find out if the registerd mail was pit off of at Queenstown as it does not seem clear to me at the news we get here whether the steamer reached Queenstown or not before the diaster ---- be sure and write immediately you receive this and if there is any evidence that the English mail which left left San Francisco or Oakland on April 23 or 24 was forwarded on the Lusitania --- I will see the Bank officials and arrange to have the draft changed - and send the amount by cable ---- now do not worry about it -- I feel that the money is safe anyway but there will probably be a delay --- I tried very hard to avoid this trouble - but it really seems the more we try to avoid trouble the more liable we are to fall into it.

excuse more this time I will write again soon best love to all
I am your Aff. Brother John

1760 24th Avenue
East Oakland
May 13/1915

My Dear Sister

It was a great relief to me to receive your Cablegram announcing the safe arrival of the Draft as I flet sure the letter had gone by the Lusitania but evidently it must have caught an earlier boat and I feel greatly relieved that you have got it all safe. I was very much worried when the sad news of the sinking of the Lusitania reached me here -- it created quite a sensation and all the peoples were horrified at the awful thing that had happened -- all except Germans they seemed to be pleased -- and there are lots of them in this City of Oakland.

I hope you are all enjoying Jim's visit and having a good time with him. I have received letters from him but have been unable to answer -- tell him I will write by next mauil -- Kind love to all and best wishes -- I am your Aff. Brother John

A. E. Berks
Hughes Rd
Mile End
29 May

Dear Mother
I have just had my dear wife's letters I do look forward to them she's is the best litytle girl there is God Bless and send her an easier time than she has had & all of you she tells me how good you have been to her and our children which I feel deeply thankful knowing that she has such a good mother no one like a mother or the love of a mother for her children I am worried about the money I send I have sent very fortnight we get paid every fortnight then I either have to go to town which has cost me £4 upto 24 May I have sent Kezie every fortnight I get them brought up now from a place called Kahunda I expect she has received some of then by now from payable at Parkhurst Rd but I will send the money in a registered envelope so that she will not have to trouble about changing I send what I know Kez will manage with without having any thing of anybody outside your house I know Kez would rather have it so the independence because she has an independent spirit I miss you all but glad to say I am keeping well I should like to hear from you just how things are Kez should have received money on the 24 May 17 may 31 May 14 June 28 June give my love to her and the same to yourself Your affectionate Son in Law Albert

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